Kaunas airport currency exchange

ATSIPRAŠOME, KEITYKLA LAIKINAI NEDIRBA dėl atliekamos Kauno oro uosto rekonstrukcijos.

Kaunas airport currency exchange

In this, as in most TOP EXCHANGE exchanges, we buy and sell 33 foreign currencies: USD, RUB, PLN, CZK, BYN, UAH, GBP, SCP, CHF, DKK, NOK, SEK, CAD, AUD, JPY, HUF, MXN, CNY, TRY, BGN, ILS, RON, KZT, GEL, RSD, ISK, HKD, MYR, SGD, NZD, THB, AED, EGP, we buy and sell coins of all denominations of these foreign currencies at a discount.

Currency prices and commission service fee are published on the exchange rate notice board in the exchange, they can also be found out by calling the exchange's phone +370 658 74301.

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